Political Action

Our Political Action Team works to enact pro-LGBTQ legislation and elect pro-LGBTQ political candidates to office.

HRC Columbus's political action team works on several fronts to use the political process to improve the lives of LGBTQ Ohioans. Some of our recent efforts have included:

  • A federal lobby day on Capitol Hill where we met with the offices of our senators and congressional representatives, including advocating for the passage of the Equality Act and opposing current anti-trans legislation.
  • Supporting our state partners, such as Equality Ohio, in their efforts to fight anti-LGBTQ legislation at the Ohio Statehouse, including attending rallies and legislative hearings on bills.
  • Canvassing door to door and phone banking for pro-LGBTQ candidates running for statewide office, Including Senate candidate Tim Ryan and gubernatorial candidate Nan Whaley.
  • Hosting fund-raising events for pro-LGBTQ candidates, including a private house party fund-raiser for Nan Whaley and a statewide virtual fund-raiser for Tim Ryan, both featuring appearances by the candidates.
  • Phone banking and text banking to reach pro-equality voters and encourage them to vote or register to vote.